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2024-2025 Season Registration Information

  1. Registration limits have been imposed for for each Recreation group. Limits are based on anticipated # of teams and maximum # of players per team. Limits may change based on projected registration levels, volunteers willing to coach, and facility availability.

  2. Any Recreation registrations not paid in full at the time of registration will be moved to the Waitlist at the close of the registration period. To reserve your child's spot in our program be sure to provide full payment concurrent with registering. If your child then chooses not to participate (i.e. makes the Travel team), communicate to us and we will unregister and issue a full refund.

  3. The Club will be directly handling all uniform orders required for our Travel and Recreation programs. At the time of registration, uniform information will be collected and a group order will be placed by HBBC at the close of the program's registration period. For Travel, that is if selected for the team, not when registering for Travel Try-outs. If indicated that a new uniform is needed, the cost of the standard uniform will be added to the registration fee and will be due, in full, at time of registration. The standard uniforms are outlined on our Online Store page. All other items and "spirit wear", such as shooting shirts, socks, bags, sweatshirts, etc., can be ordered individually by families directly through Local Pro Sports when the My Team Store online store opens. ​

  4. If a family is in need of financial assistance for a child to have the opportunity to play basketball, please contact us at HBBC can provide support, as needed, for expenses such as registration, uniform, and various other basketball-related items.


Registration closed for the season


Registration closed for the season


Registration closed for the season